Dimensions No. 14

  • Editorial
  • Supporting the budgetary process with a national MPI: An interview with Fransina Amutenya from Namibia
  • Incorporating the MPI into data collection in Ghana: An interview with Francis Mensah
  • Multidimensional poverty in Mexico in the context of the COVID-19 health emergency by Mariana Rosalía Galindo Orozco, Carlos Fabian Fuentes Rivas, María Guadalupe Alcántara Manjarrez and Aketzali Natividad Martínez Santiago
  • Oaxaca and the largest decrease of multidimensional poverty and extreme poverty in a decade by Edith Yolanda Martínez
  • The intersection of gender, forced displacement, and multidimensional poverty by Sophie Scharlin-Pettee
  • Finance and multidimensional poverty: Harnessing the former to eliminate the latter by John Hammock
  • Using the MPI to maximise equitable programming in a flagship sexual and reproductive health programme by Meg McLaren
  • Innovations, collaborations and forthcoming MPIs shared at UNGA 77 Side Event hosted by Nigeria
  • Day in the Life: Nyawala from South Sudan
  • Data of the Month
  • News

Spanish version – Dimensiones 14

national MPI, Namibia, Ghana, Mexico, forced displacement, finance, South Sudan, Nigeria, UNGA 77
Sub-Saharan Africa
Latin America and the Caribbean
South Sudan
Dimensions No. 14 cover


Multidimensional Poverty Peer Network (MPPN)

Series Name
Dimensions Magazine
Publication date
Publication Number
Dimensions 14